Volunteer Data Protection Agreement

As a radically transparent network, it`s important to take control of your own data and be accountable for our own decisions for all of us. Some CSP volunteers are required to use members` personal information (e.B. names and email addresses) as part of their role. This agreement sets out the key expectations and requirements of the CSP (including the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation 2018) with regard to data protection processes in the processing of personal data. TWU University Advancement will share relevant information from the Advancement database with former volunteers in order to further the organization`s mission of strengthening alumni relationships between the university and its graduates. To ensure the confidentiality of alumni data and protect the privacy of graduates, it is important that alumni volunteer leaders understand and adhere to the appropriate use and protection of the information generated to meet their needs. Once the data has been used for its intended purpose, the list must be deleted (if it is electronic) from the user`s computer or shredded (if the list is printed). University funding can shred the document if necessary. Adherence to a set of principles for data processing ensures that we build trust between us and other organisations. The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) is a member-led organization that relies on a large network of highly valued CSP member volunteers («CSP volunteers»).

Data that can be provided to a current volunteer requesting a list for alumni participation includes name, year of class, city, and phone number if it is planned to call alumni to include them. All other information requested would be considered on a case-by-case basis. This document is intended for CSP members who make an unpaid professional contribution to the work of the CSP («CSP Volunteers»). Volunteers may process personal data relating to CSP employees, CSP members, CSP organizational activities, CSP committees or other contacts on behalf of CSP. For the purposes of this Agreement, the CSP is the «Data Controller» and the CSP Volunteer is the «Data Processor». I understand my responsibility to protect the confidentiality of TWU alumni data that I receive and I agree that all data will be used exclusively for the purposes set out in each request. I undertake to comply with these requirements and to deal discreetly with confidential files and information. I understand that improper disclosure of this confidential information will be dealt with in accordance with due process of the Office of Academic Advancement. I will respect the privacy rights of former students and avoid the dissemination of confidential information. This agreement applies to all future data requests I make in my role as a volunteer at TWU University Advancement.

I agree to comply with all state and federal laws regarding the use of this information. Compassionate Revolution Ltd is the «owner of the data». I will read and follow Extinction Rebellion`s policies and procedures for data processing (and understand that they may be updated from time to time). I am voluntarily acting as a «processor» for Compassionate Revolution Ltd. The ICO defines a «processor» as: «data processor» with respect to personal data means any person (with the exception of an employee of the data controller) who processes the data on behalf of the data controller. What to expect: If you withdraw your consent and no longer wish to hear from us, simply click on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of each email we send or contact us at dataprotection@rebellion.earth. We value and respect your personal information and privacy. Read our privacy policy.

By submitting this form, you agree that we may process your data in accordance with these conditions. – protect our data and ensure that it is stored securely. This document applies to all volunteers who process personal data on behalf of the CSP. As a volunteer, you provide and are aware of confidential or sensitive information, including personal data of individuals (e.B. name, telephone number and email address). This document applies to all personal data and business information that you process in the course of your voluntary work with the CSP. Members must have confidence that the CSP will use their personal data appropriately and keep it safe, and data protection is everyone`s responsibility. The CSP supports all our volunteers through initiation and training relevant to their specific roles.

Ultimately, the CSP is responsible for all data ranges and will apply all necessary regulatory practices to ensure this is avoided. Volunteers may be held liable for data breaches if they have acted maliciously or contrary to this Agreement. I understand that if I do not comply with this Agreement, I may be asked to resign from my role with XR. The information in the university advancement database is used exclusively to fulfill the mission of academic advancement and in particular the stated purpose of the application. The data provided may not be reused, shared, distributed or used in a way that could compromise the confidentiality of tWU alumni` data. They may not be used for commercial or political purposes or for the benefit of any other organization. – to process the data only for the purposes for which they were provided. Spreadsheets are for internal purposes only, and the signing of this agreement, which is also a prerequisite for access and editing rights, makes it illegal to publicly share spreadsheets and personal data. – Assistance with applicants` access requests and potential deletion or correction of data. I understand and accept the above conditions. If you follow these three principles, we are in a safe place when processing your data or other data. Data that is not provided includes: Alumni ID or NSS and donation history.

I understand that violations of this policy may result in serious financial penalties for XR. As rebels, we must treat our data as we do with each other and on our planet, with love and care. So we will keep it simple, with three principles in which we can wrap our data: we guarantee choice; this consent may be revoked at any time. We focused our mission on what is needed: mobilizing 3.5% of the population for systemic change – with ideas such as «dynamic organizing» to achieve it. We value reflection and learning: a cycle of action, reflection, learning and planning for more action. Learn from other movements and contexts as well as from our own experiences. We actively mitigate power: we break hierarchies of power for more equitable participation. We need a regenerative culture: to create a healthy, resilient and adaptable culture. In addition, there are risks – we consider them low – associated with entering your information into a spreadsheet where individuals can be identified as «organizers» – various legal fees may apply, see link above. I will read and abide by Extinction Rebellion`s Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. We openly question ourselves and challenge our toxic system: we leave our comfort zones to act for change.
